Monday, December 30, 2019

Capital Punishment And Its Effects On The United States

Capital punishment has existed for thousands of years, from ancient Rome to ancient China and even in the United States. The idea was simple and straight forward: death was to be a punishment for any crime committed and people were executed simply because the ruler of the time of the land said so. With obvious progression in the United States, through increased education and ethical understanding, this idea that someone could be sentenced to death for just about anything no longer seemed right. According to PEW’s Research Center; â€Å"Since 1996, the margin between those who favor the death penalty and those who oppose it has narrowed from a 60-point gap (78% favor vs. 18% oppose) to an 18-point difference in 2013 (55% favor vs. 37% oppose)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The death penalty, subsequently, must be eliminated. Money talks. In the pro capital punishment argument, supporters speak about the cost related to incarceration. In 1996, Martin Kasten published An Economic Analysis of the Death Penalty in which he stated, â€Å"Assuming annual incarceration costs are $17,957 and the average life expectancy for a death row inmate is 40 years in prison, the marginal benefit of executing one inmate is $415,071 when discounted at 3 percent over 40 years. When multiplying the benefit by 30, the approximate number of inmates executed every year, the death penalty saves $12,452,130 in reduced incarceration costs† (Kasten). These numbers were over twenty years ago, so imagine with all the inflation, that number is closer to three or four times that amount. This is the cost per inmate, now multiply this number by the thousands of prisoners in all fifty states. While the use of capital punishment is meant to be discretionary, just a few inmates sentenced to capital punishment have the potential to save the tax payers millions. Those for capital punishment don’t want the money they pay in taxes to go towards supporting the life of someone who has committed a crime; to them it is just providing the criminal with free room and board, access to healthcare and education programs in jail. To the people for capital punishment this isn’t really a punishment, sure the criminals are cut off from society but they have a staff catering to their potentialShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment And Its Effect On The Economy Of United States1320 Words   |  6 Pagesthe development of the death penalty, or capital punishment as it has developed into in the United States. Because of this, controversy about whether or not to have the punishment arose, leading to much debate on the topic. The paper will analyze and observe the Capital Punishment and its influence on the economy of United States. Before proceeding, it is important to note that the definition of the capital punishment: a p unishment, enforced on the state and federal levels, in which victims are sentencedRead MoreThe Canadian Justice System And Capital Punishment1713 Words   |  7 Pagesjustice system in its views on capital punishment. Two men, Arthur Lucas, and Ronald Turpin was to be executed in Canada for committing crimes. Both had been accused of committing murder, Lucas for killing an officer while fleeing a robbery and Turpin for murdering an undercover narcotics officer. Both were hanged back to back at midnight and buried side by side with no marking on their graves. Lucas and Turpin were the last to be executed under capital punishment and since then Canada has stoppedRead MoreCapital Punishment Of The Criminal Justice System1407 Words   |  6 PagesIn the United States, capital punishment has always been the spotlight of many debates concerning the consequences of severe crimes. Although capital punishment is deemed to be acceptable for violent crimes such as murder, there are numerous individuals who oppose the usage of capital punishment against violent offenders. Both proponents and opponents have given countless opinions concerning the deterrence effect of capital punishment. Research studies have also added fuel to the debate in regardsRead MoreEssay about Capital Punishment: An Ongoing Arguement1043 Words   |  5 PagesSince the year 1608, over 15,269 people have been executed in the United States and its predecessor colonies (Smykla, and Espy). With the multitude of persons executed, there is still little evidence proving the effectiveness of capital punishment when concerning fut ure violent crime rates. The death penalty is also costly when compared to the cost of imprisoning a violent criminal for life. With such a definitive punishment and with its finality, there have also been a large number of personsRead MoreShould There be a Capital Punishment in Kazakhstan?862 Words   |  3 Pages Capital punishment or execution is the legal process of putting a person to death as a punishment for committed crime. The death penalty is legal in many countries as Iran, USA, China, India and Sudan. However, other countries, including Kazakhstan, find it cruel and violent. This essay indicates are there more benefits or drawbacks in using capital punishment in Kazakhstan. This research will begin by evaluating the social factors of capital punishment then it will proceed to investigate theRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be An Option1210 Words   |  5 Pagesliberals and right wing conservatives. Those on the left would most likely argue that capital punishment does not serve any beneficial purpose in our society. In contrast, conservatives, provided that they have no religious motives to oppose the death penalty, would likely argue that it is a necessary punishment for heinous crimes. For thousands of years the death penalty has been used as the ultimate form of punishment for a vast number of crimes and in even more numerous methods. Babylon’s King HammurabiRead MoreThe Moral, Legal, and Economical Aspects of Capital Punishment1509 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment has long been a topic for heated debate throughout the United States of America and the civilized world. For many politicians, the death penalty has been a key pillar to winning a state or election; and, to some extent, politics have been a key influence in America’s justice system. Many nations have outlawed capital punishment, with the United States included between 1972 and 1976. In the United States, there has been a renewed movement for this â€Å"e ye for an eye† method, citingRead MoreCapital Punishment1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe death penalty has been around for many centuries and will probably be around for many to come. Although some citizens feel capital punishment is ethically wrong, it is necessary in today s society for various reasons. Society must be kept safe from the barbaric acts of murders and rapist, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. Most criminals don t take into account the results of their actions. If a person intending to commit a crime, sees another criminal put toRead MoreThe Death Penalty : A New Symbol For Execution1700 Words   |  7 PagesRobespierre. In the modern United States, citizens face one of the instruments of capital punishment after they commit murder, treason, or espionage. Though the instruments and charges for capital punishment have changed, the basic principle remains the same. Capital punishment, more harshly known as the death penalty, has become a well-known and controversial part of the United States’ criminal justice system. Ever since societies began to practice the capital punishment, people have tried to abolishRead MoreThe Death Penalty: The Case of Carlos DeLuna Essay1321 Words   |  6 Pagesagainst capital punishment, and they be lieve that it is unnecessary and unreasonable because it does not provide space to go back or remedy, in case of occasional miscarriage. Throughout time and history, the topic of revenge had been debated intensely. The death penalty has been considered to be a necessary punishment to deter future crimes and beneficial for society. In the United States, for instance, there have been strong arguments about whether the absence or the presence of capital punishment

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie Jayne - 1369 Words

Casciana Jayne Holden wasn’t born into your typical stereotype family, born on June 29th, 1989 moments before her identical twin sister Syria Nichole. Casciana was always the curious one, she was also a daddy’s girl while her twin was momma’s little angel the one that could never do no wrong. Casciana loved her sister more than anything, except she hated that their mother Nicole Marie Holden would always believe Syria over Casciana never really giving her the benefit of the doubt. It was what always caused Casciana to run in the other direction when she wanted something from one of her parents. She knew that her father would always give it to her no questions asked. Patrick Dean Holden wasn’t your normal man as what people would say about†¦show more content†¦While Syria thought it was funny that Casciana was the one that did that, her mother hated it. Casciana would always find herself getting into trouble including in school while she applied he rself and was a straight A student she had dreams of running away and just being with her father. The only person that understood her and the person she wanted to be. Elementary school and Middle school weren’t all that things were cracked up to be, Casciana had one real friend that was actually a friend and was always around including when Casciana just wanted to be left alone. She was that friend that just came and bugged the hell out of Casciana just to make sure she stopped closing herself off to people. When high school came around at Casciana started growing more into a woman she began to experience changes in her body, things that she didn’t understand. She would start to forget things, she would misplace things and could never find them again. It wasn’t until she was 17 years old that her whole life changed and it wasn’t for the better. Casciana had become a completely new person, she stayed out all night, she partied, she stopped going to class, and when her father was home all she did was fight with him. Some would say that she was possessed by something, she would just laugh it off, but the truth was she was possessed, Casciana was slightly

Friday, December 13, 2019

Problems of Conducting Research Into the Causes of Stress Essay Free Essays

One job when carry oning research into the causes of emphasis is the generalization of the sample. if the sample is restricted ; this has restrictions in footings of generalizing the consequences to the entire population. In the survey by Johansson. We will write a custom essay sample on Problems of Conducting Research Into the Causes of Stress Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now a sample of merely 24 workers was used and from a specific occupation type. This sample is unthinking of all occupation types and is excessively little to be applicable to the general population. Decisions made may merely be relevant to this sample. However it could be argued that the factors that cause emphasis in occupations such as deadlines and the dependance of others on you are common in all types of occupations and hence utilizing a sample of the specific occupation type becomes less restricted and applicable to other people in occupations with common stressors. A 2nd job when carry oning research into causes of emphasis is the cogency of measurings. Cogency refers to whether the consequences measure what they are supposed to mensurate and this is frequently affected by the research method. The self study method is frequently questioned in footings of cogency as participants have the ability to give socially desirable replies and maneuver off from the truth. In the survey by Kanner. questionnaires were posted out to participants and a Hassles and uplifts graduated table was asked to be completed every month for 9 months and the Berkman life events graduated table after 10 months. This survey. due to the usage of self study deficiencies in cogency. as researches are diffident as to whether informations obtained reflects the true sentiments of participants. which is an issue when seeking to use to mundane life. However the self study method is utile. despite it missing in cogency. It gives participants the freedom to compose about their ain subjective feelings and due to emphasize being separately perceived otherwise. it is utile in orienting intervention to persons to run into their demands. A 3rd job is reductionism. surveies frequently cut down many factors that cause an single emphasis to one factor. such as in the instance of Johansson survey. it was concluded work was the beginning of emphasis. However single factors such as personality could play a function. research workers do non cognize that emphasis prone persons are more likely to be in a high hazard occupation. By neglecting to take into history other factors. resources and clip may be used in the incorrect country. However reductionism is utile as it does nail an country that causes emphasis and allows in-depth research to be carried out to assist participants. How to cite Problems of Conducting Research Into the Causes of Stress Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The History and Significance of Chinese Foot Binding free essay sample

On her article The History and Significance of Chinese foot binding, Emmelyn Mah stated that the process of foot binding generally begins when a daughter reaches the age of five to six, it was believed that at this age, ones feet were matured, yet still pliable, and therefore, more easily bent for the binding, which was often done by the childs mother. Before the binding, the childs feet are soaked in a mixture of warm herbs and animal blood, which were said to soften the feet to facilitate easier binding. Next, her toe-nails are clipped back as far as possible to prevent ingrowths and possible infections. To prepare the child for the next, most gruesome and painful step, her feet are massaged. Then, ultimately, her four smallest toes are broken and pressed into her sole, and the arch of her foot crushed, thus creating a crevice at the bottom of her foot from where the two broken halves are folded. We will write a custom essay sample on The History and Significance of Chinese Foot Binding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is all bound tightly together using strips of bandages that had been pre-soaked in the same mixture of herbs and blood. As stated on http://www. csuchico. du, generally when people are referring to foot binding, they are referring to the restructuring of the feet by the breaking of the arch and four smaller toes on each foot for the purpose of achieving small feet for females. Difficult to imagine, but it is the bending of the metatarsals after the four smaller toes have been bound into the plantars. It is somewhat like bending a corner of a paper so that it is tucked under. Then the paper is bent in half, shortening the size. After the initial binding procedure, usually around the age of seven, the feet ould remain tightly bound with long cloth strips until the feet were no longer growing. Idealistic feet for women were three inches in length, which earned the title of san tsun gin lian, or golden lotus or lily. The criteria for the perfect three-inch foot consisted of three features. The first was length, which ideally should be three inches. The second was the cleft between the heel and the sole, which was to be two to three inches deep. Thirdly, the feet should appear to be extensions of the leg, rather than stands for the body

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sports Nutrition Essay Research Paper Andy AikinsFood free essay sample

Sports Nutrition Essay, Research Paper Andy Aikins Food and Identity Sports Nutrition Outline and Thesis Thesis: 1. An athletes diet has a big consequence on his/her athletic public presentation 2. What an athlete chow is an built-in portion of his/her preparation, and will consequence every facet of their athletic public presentation Outline: I: Presentation A. Introduce subject B. State why Sports nutrition is different from general nutrition. C. Thesis ( see above ) Two: Dietary Guidelines A. How many helpings of each nutrient group should an athlete eat? ( nutrient pyramid ) B. RDA # 8217 ; s What they are, What they mean, How to utilize them C. The Goal is to derive weight by increasing musculus mass and losing fat. 1. Eat nutrients high in protein, complex saccharides, and foods 2. Avoid debris nutrients ; nutrients low in anything good and high in fat and sugar. D. Don # 8217 ; t eat excessively much or excessively small nutrient. 1. Eating excessively much nutrient will increase your organic structure fat per centum 2. If you don # 8217 ; t eat adequate nutrient, you will non hold plenty energy to work out, and you will non hold the foods and protein available to construct musculus. Three: Why eat good? A. For Sports 1. Increased benefit from preparation, for both aerophilic ( endurance ) and anaerobic ( power ) . 2.Increase musculus mass, and Reduced fat. 3. Bigger, Faster, Stronger. This is good for any competitory athletics B. In General: Eating good will assist everything in your life, from your temper to your visual aspect. Besides eating good reduces the hazard of every disease under the Sun. Four: Effectss of a hapless diet for jocks: A. Chronic exhaustion B. Irritability C. Restlessness D. Increase in organic structure fat per centum E. Decrease in musculus mass F. Decreased fuel in musculus for intense ( anaerobiotic ) activity Volt: Diet Planning: A. General Principals: 1.Eat a assortment of good nutrients, Try to lodge to the groups in the nutrient pyramid, and eat a assortment of nutrients within each group. 2.Balance the sum of nutrient you eat with your sum of activity. a.While you are in season or while you are working out intensely, you will necessitate more nutrient than when you are puting on the beach on your holiday. B. Eat consequently 4. Tonss of Grain merchandises, Vegetables, Fruit, Complex Carbohydrates, Fiber, and Protein. 5. Cut back on Fat ( particularly saturated fat ) , and Na ( salt ) 6. Don # 8217 ; t Drink, or at least Don # 8217 ; t imbibe excessively much excessively frequently. B. Substitutions 1.Instead of this attempt this 2. This subdivision will be a clump of replacement nutrients that will assist better an jocks diet. Six: Decision: What you eat effects your public presentation on the field. When you are eating maintain this in head. For a general regulation Don # 8217 ; t worry excessively much about how much you eat worry about what you eat. Try to eat nutrients that have high nutrition denseness, that is nutrients that have a batch of foods for the sum of Calories that they have. Note: All of the research that I have done so far comes from my fittingness and health text edition and my football summer conditioning manual. I can non turn either of these things in.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why Reconstruction Failed essays

Why Reconstruction Failed essays The political, social and economic conditions after the Civil War defined the goals of Reconstruction. At this time, Congress was divided politically on issues that grew out of the Civil War: readmitting southern states to the Union, rebuilding the south, black equality and deciding who would control the government. Socially the south was in chaos. Newly emancipated slaves wandered around the south after having left their former masters; the white population was spiritually devastated and uneasy with what lay ahead for them. Economically the south was also, itself, devastated with plantations in ruin, railroads torn up and the system of slave labor in shambles. Amid post-Civil War chaos, various political groups were scrambling to further their agendas. First, southern Democrats, made up of leaders of the Confederacy and other wealthy southern whites and who dominated the south, sought to end what they perceived as future northern domination of the south. Southern Democrats so ught to limit the rights of blacks to vote, travel and change jobs, which like slavery, would provide a cheap labor supply for plantations. Second, the Moderate Republican party wanted to pursue a policy of reconciliation between the north and the south, but at the same time ensure slavery was abolished. Third radical Republicans, which were comprised of northern politicians, were strongly opposed to slavery and unsympathetic to the south and merely wanted to protect newly freed slaves. A fourth element were various other groups, abolitionists and Quakers, who were strongly motivated by principle and the belief in equality in which blacks needed this equality in American society, although they differed in what the nature of that should be. Also at this same time President Andrew Johnson was striving to unify the nation. Northerners had grown increasingly sympathetic to the plight of the black race in the south following numerous wel...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The US Dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency Term Paper

The US Dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency within the foreseeable future - Term Paper Example 8 Gilpin, R. & Gilpin, J. M. International economics: in the age of globalization. USA: Orient Blackswan, 2001. 8 Mankiw, N. G. Principles of Economics. USA: Cengage Learning, 2008. 8 Introduction US Dollar had historically been one of the sturdiest of all currencies around the world. Post World War II, when almost all nations around the world were suffering from dwindling resource endowments, they jointly decided to frame a monetary policy which would tie their respective national currencies with the US Dollar. Such a policy was set in order to strengthen the feeble currencies through tying the rates at which they could be exchanged. However with the passage of time, the stability feature assigned with the US dollars is reckoned to fade away especially after the inception of the Euro zone during late 1990s and after the economy was victimised by the subprime crisis. At present there are many claimants of the fact that the US dollar is about to lose its value as a stable reserve curr ency. Purpose of the present paper will be to enlist the arguments posed in favour of the aforementioned assertion. US Dollar is losing its status as the world’s reserve currency Euro had been getting closer to the US Dollars in terms of bank note circulation. Since its inception during the latter years of 1990s, the currency is found to be soaring high in terms of popularity especially among the Asian nations where almost two-thirds of total Euro bank notes in circulation are concentrated. The table alongside displays ample information to establish Euro is fast surpassing Dollars in terms of its circulation. To emphasise, stock of Euro has increased by 7 percent between 1999 and 2003 while that of Dollars has receded by 6.7 percent between 2001 and 2006. The diagram alongside shows the extents to which different foreign reserves are found to be growing over the years. Growth in Euro is witnessed as reaching a peak during 2002 and exceeding the corresponding rate for US Dolla rs (Becker 3). â€Å"With the creation of the euro in 1999, and the growth of the US external debt and current account deficits since then, the economic appeal of the dollar as an international currency has become less distinctive† (Helleiner, 367). In fact, during the post Euro era, the position of US dollar has been fast depreciating owing to the fall in its store of value and liquidity. A downfall in the degree of liquidity of the currency accounts for the huge sums of US Dollar reserves that East Asian nations reserve had been maintaining in their reserves; this specifically is the reason behind a fall in the US Dollar circulation (Helleiner, 368). Prior to the introduction of Euro, US Dollars assumed the topmost position in the international arena. This was primarily due to the existence of distinct currencies throughout Europe that transaction via US Dollars was associated with a certain degree of economies of scale. However, after Euro was introduced to the world, a ch unk of the world’s important foreign market came to be expressed in terms of Euro and thus, US Dollars lost the economies of scale they used to enjoy previously. An important reason why US Dollars has been diminishing in value in comparison to Euro is that, the latter now represents a chunk of the European continent. This chunk now symbolizes a large unit of the entire global market which is found to be beating that of USA even. Hence, in most of the cases, commodities and services which are available in both markets are denominated in terms

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CVD Proposal Prrofreading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

CVD Proposal Prrofreading - Essay Example Our long term goal is to utilize the outcome of the study in individualization of drug therapy and diagnosis of T2D with CVD bases on the genetic profile of patients from Arab Population. This would result in substantial improvements in quality of life of the affected individuals and a reduction in healthcare costs. Identification of target genes may also lead to development of novel therapeutic modalities. Furthermore, the characteristics of Arabic population make them ideal for the genome wide study of diabetes, a complex, polygenic, multi-factorial disorder. 3. Relevance It is hoped that this proposed study will pave way in identifying susceptibility genes for the Type 2 Diabetes with CVD in UAE population moreover. It will assess if genetic profiling could be used successfully to identify high-risk individuals, this would result in substantial benefits to both individuals and society. ... 4. Project Personnel Dr. Habiba alsafar is the lead investigator on this program and will dedicate 1.2 calendar months approximately 10% of her time overseeing the project. Dr. Nicolas Christoforou is a molecular-cell biologist and an academician at KUSTAR and will, he will avail essential tools in all aspects of molecular biology. He will also provide training and supervision to interns. Dr. Christoforou will dedicate 0.8 calendar months, approximately 8% of his time supervising the project. Dr. Ahsan Khandoker will dedicate 0.5 calendar months i.e. approximately 5% of his time preparing tools in the assessment of cardiac autonomic function for this study. Dr. Maher Maalouf from Industrial department in KUSTAR is planned to dedicate 0.5 calendar months approximately 5% of his time providing valuable support and consultative advice regarding statistical methods and analyses of the project KUSTAR nominees have also invited Drs. Ahmed Hasson to be a co-investigator in this study. He is a consultant Endocrinologist and chairman of Research & Medical Education from Dubai Diabetes Center in Dubai. Dr Ahmed will contribute as clinical expert, access to T2D patients with CVD and provide guidance on clinical matters. 5. Objectives and Goals This proposal present plan to initiate a seed project in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) particularly in Abu Dhabi with an aim of identification of genetic associated with Type 2 Diabetes resulting to development of cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction) among Arabs in UAE. Furthermore, address genetic diversity in UAE providing insight into mechanisms that cause this disease. These developments could possibly lead to improved intervention and prevention programs to improve quality of life throughout UAE and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lesson on Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lesson on Crime - Assignment Example Expected Proceedings of the Class: When the class begins, the students will probably be stiff and very wary of the teacher. They will be reluctant to open up and communicate. There will be some students who will try and open up and enhance communication. The teacher will initially react to the exuberant students and then gradually ask leading questions to gradually do away with the inhibitions of the class. It is the teacher's responsibility to ask leading questions to the non responsive students so that all round class participation is assured. The warmer should comprise general interaction with the students. Once the attention of the class is ensured the teacher can then proceed with the next part of the lesson where it is introduced and the students are asked to mention the one major hazards in the Universities of the USA. This will hopefully elicit the word crime or shooting or terrorist activity. This dialogue should increase confidence of students. Of course there will further comments like tutorials or rampant sex or night life or many other words which have no link with the topic. The Teacher has to steer the response of the students to relevant discussion. The Teacher hones down on the word crime and pronounces it deliberately and writes it on the board. T then asks SS to give words which sound like Crime If above activity doesn't elicit any target class T asks class 'Why don't you take each alphabet and try and form a word that sounds like Crime T-SS, SS-T S-T T-S S-T T-SS SS-T To expose SS to Lexical items. This will hopefully elicit the word crime or shooting or terrorist activity. This dialogue should increase confidence of SS. To allow the word CRIME to play on the minds of the class To elicit words like dime, mime, rhyme, lime, grime etc. from other members of the class. Hopefully this will give the above words PRE-TEACH VOCABULARY 5 T shows appendix A - Flash Cards Tells them that all words may not spell similar but they sound similar T-SS To ensure that SS is introduced to every word used PRESENTATION 10 mins T writes sentences on board, using each of the words (See Appendix B) Brief chorus of material from board, T corrects if necessary. Individual drilling of similar examples, varying subject of sentences T-SS SS-T To provide the meaning of each of the words To check pronunciation and to provide the opportunity for group members to practice the phrases together to gain confidence. Gauges SS level of appreciation of the usage of the different words CONTROLLED PRACTICE 10mins T divides SS into pairs and instructs them to complete matching activity in appendix C T monitors SS feedback to T with answers, T corrects any serious problems and answers any queries T-SS, SS SS-T Consolidates knowledge of form and function within a less demanding exercise. To check understanding of instructions. To ensure that exercise is being carried out correctly and that no-one is confused at this early stage. To ensure that any problems are corrected. GUIDED PRACTICE 10 MINS T plays the tape Appendix D and asks SS to repeat after every word together in a chorus and then individually at random T corrects each student as and when necessary T-SS SS-T - SS To reinforce knowledge, to give SS the opportunity to practice phonetics in an exercise that becomes gradually more difficult to provide a verbal record of structure and to allow SS to work without fear of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Case Study of Hyundai Motor Company

Case Study of Hyundai Motor Company Hyundai Motor Company, a major company in the Hyundai Kia Automotive Group which is the worlds fifth largest automaker as of the end of 2009, (In 2008, Hyundai ranked the eighth largest auto maker, without including Kia.) and the worlds fastest growing automaker. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, Hyundai operates the worlds largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility in Ulsan, which is capable of producing 1.6 million units annually. The company employs about 75,000 persons around the world, Hyundai vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 6,000 dealerships and showrooms worldwide. The Hyundai logo, a slanted, stylized H, symbolizes the company shaking hands with its customer. Hyundai translates from the word modernity, and is pronounced as Hyon-dae in Korean. Chung Ju-Yung founded the Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company in 1947. Hyundai Motor Company was later established in 1967. The companys first model, the Cortina, was released in cooperation with Ford Motor Company in 1968. When Hyundai wanted to develop their own car, they hired George Turnbull, the former Managing Director of Austin Morris at British Leyland. He in turn hired five other top British car engineers. They were Kenneth Barnett body design, engineers John Simpson and Edward Chapman, John Crosthwaite as chassis engineer and Peter Slater as chief development engineer. In 1975, the Pony, the first Korean car, was released, with styling by Giorgio Giugiaro of Italian Design and power train technology provided by Japans Mitsubishi Motors. Exports began in the following year to Ecuador and soon thereafter to the Benelux countries. In 1991, the company succeeded in developing its first proprietary gasoline engine, the four-cylinder Alpha, and transmission, thus paving the way for technological independence. In 1983, Hyundai exported the Pony to Canada, but not to the United States because the Pony didnt pass emissions standards there. Canadian sales greatly exceeded expectations, and it was at one point the top-selling car on the Canadian market. The Pony afforded a much higher degree of quality and refinement in the lowest price auto segment than the Eastern-bloc imports of the period then available. In 1986, Hyundai began to sell cars in the United States, and the Excel was nominated as Best Product #10 by Fortune magazine, largely because of its affordability. The company began to produce models with its own technology in 1988, beginning with the midsize Sonata. In 1998, Hyundai began to overhaul its image in an attempt to establish itself as a world-class brand. Chung Ju Yung transferred leadership of Hyundai Motor to his son, Chung Mong Koo, in 1999. Hyundais parent company, Hyundai Motor Group, invested heavily in the quality, design, manufacturing, and long-term research of its vehicles. It added a 10-year or 100,000-mile (160,000 km) warranty to cars sold in the United States and launched an aggressive marketing campaign. In 2004, Hyundai was ranked second in initial quality in a survey/study by J.D. Power and Associates. Hyundai is now one of the top 100 most valuable brands worldwide. Since 2002, Hyundai has also been one of the worldwide official sponsors of the FIFA World Cup. Hyundai has invested in manufacturing plants in the North America, China, Czech Republic, Pakistan, India, and Turkey as well as research and development centers in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Pacific Rim. In 2004, Hyundai Motor Company had $57.2 billion in sales in South Korea making it the countrys second largest corporation. Worldwide sales in 2005 reached 2,533,695 units, an 11 percent increase over the previous year. Hyundai has set as its 2006 target worldwide sales of 2.7 million units (excluding exports of CKD kits). In 2007 it reached 3,961,629 worldwide vehicle sales-surpassing Fiat, Chrysler, PSA/Peugeot, Nissan, and Honda. Hyundai Motor Companys brand power continues to rise as it was ranked 72nd in the 2007 Best Global Brands by Interbrand and BusinessWeek survey. Brand value estimated at $4.5 billion. Public perception of the Hyundai brand has been transformed as a result of dramatic improvements in the quality of Hyundai vehicles. Hyundai is one of the leading groups of Companies founded in South Korea. It is the general trading house of Korea, which provides various import and export services. There are several types of products are included in its import and export services such as plants machinery, automobiles, steel and chemical products, general commodities etc. Firstly it was founded as the construction company then the management of the company diversified its business activities in various business areas. The corporation operates its business worldwide through 34 worldwide offices. Through its global presence, it provides optimal solutions to the customer according their requirements. It is helpful to enhance its financial capability in the industry. Hyundai Motor Company is one of the divisions of the Hyundai Corporation, which is the fourth largest automaker in the world. Hyundai Heavy Industries division is the largest shipbuilder in the world (Hyundai Corporation, 2010). Internal Environment Analysis The analysis of the internal environment is an important component for the business as it helps to determine the effectiveness of the management strategies and the threats, which may cause problem for the organization. For the internal and external analysis the SWOT analysis tool could be used. The SWOT analysis tool would help to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. The internal environment analysis of the Hyundai can be analyzed through the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization Strenghs: Diversified business activities The Company is involved in the diversified business segments as it provides several types of import and export services to its customer worldwide. It is the largest automaker in Asia and fourth largest automaker in world, which enhance its effectiveness in global exposure. It also helps to capture a large amount of customer worldwide. Information gathering capability -The information gathering capability of the company is effective as it obtains prompt and extensive information from its sources worldwide. It also uses the advanced trading techniques to obtain the extensive information. Quality advantages The quality of the Hyundai automobile is better than the other manufacturers in Asia as owners of Hyundai cars are experiencing less problems from the owners, who obtains other brand. Sound financial position The Hyundai Corporation is enjoying a continuous increase in its sales revenue worldwide, which is also causing an increase in the net income of the business (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). The business activities are operated in ethical and social manner, which causes an increase in the image of the company in the society. Weaknesses: An increase in the cost of production is reducing the net income of the company. It is also imposing commodity price risks on the company as the price of inputs such as steel, plastic, aluminum etc. The company is also experiencing the exchange rate risk because of the worldwide business activities. The exchange rate risk is affecting the total revenue of the business. The fluctuation in the foreign exchange rates is affecting the business performance as it is involved in the import and export of several services. Increase in debt to equity ratio The Company is also experiencing an increase in the debt equity ratio, which exhibits an increase in the interest expenses of the company. The external financial obligation is also increasing, which may create financial problems for Hyundai (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Analysis of the External Environment The business of Hyundai also operates in the external environment and there are several opportunities and threats are produced by the external environment for the company. The analysis of the opportunities and threats helps to achieve the competitive position for the company. The analysis of the external factors is beneficial for the company if it is performed effectively and efficiently. Hyundai is one of the leading companies in the automobile industry and it has the following opportunities and threats Opportunities: Entry in ship building business It is the leading company in the heavy industry and entry in the ship building business would be effective for the business in order to enhance its revenue and market share as well. New project development The launching and development of the new projects and products would also cause an increase in the performance of the business in the industry. The increase in the demand for fuel efficient vehicles would also cause the success of the new launched projects and products. Business expansion Hyundai also have the opportunity of the business expansion as it is an Asian company and had the opportunity of expanding its business in Asian Pacific Market. Reduction in cost The Company operates its business in several countries around the globe and it can reduce its cost of production by enhancing the production capacity in the countries with lower amount of cost (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Threats: Environment regulations The environment regulations are posing threats for the business as diversification of the business may cause the violation of the environmental regulations. Declining economy The decline in the economy is also causing a decrease in the market position of the company as well as also reducing the market capitalization of it. Political problems The business unit in the different countries may cause the problems for the business (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). Environmental Analysis In the present contemporary environment every business operates its business activities in highly competitive environment. There are various environmental factors, which influences the operation of the organization. Entry 2 Effect of Economic Environment The Company is operating with a rapid economic growth in the business by capturing the environmental opportunities. The increase in the value of currency of Korea against the US dollar is also causing an increase in the profits of the business from the foreign business activities. Labor is not cheap in Korea but increase in the production capacity in the nations with lower wage rate is reducing overall cost of the business. In 2009, Hyundai Motor Company succeeded in selling 2.4 million vehicles overseas, a meaningful accomplishment considering the global economic crisis. In particular, Elantra, Genesis, Genesis Coupe, Santa Fe, and Veracruz were recognized as the best and safest cars in their categories by leading agencies and the media in the US. Also, Hyundai achieved cumulative export sales of 1 million cars in Africa during the 33 years since it first began exporting to the region. Hyundai Motor Company pledges continuous growth by maximizing brand value in developed markets and expanding its sales capacity in emerging markets. Entry 3 Effect of Industry Environment Hyundai Motor Company was named Carmaker of the Year by AM, UKs leading auto trade magazine, in the AM Awards 2010. Carmaker of the Year is awarded to companies that launch innovative vehicles that pioneer changes in the auto industry through continuous investment in RD and advanced dealer network programs. Highly recognized for its sharp sales increase, first-rate dealership programs, and growth in brand awareness, Hyundai Motor Company beat other candidates including Ford, Jaguar, and Landrover to be selected as the winner of the coveted title. In 2008, UKs Autocar selected Hyundai Motor Company as Automaker of the Year, praising Hyundai for having grown into a top-class global automaker with its competitive products. Entry 4 Effect of Political and Legal Environment The increase in the relationship between the different countries and their government is a good indicator for the business of Hyundai as it operates its business in various countries. It would generate business expansion opportunity for Hyundai. In order to ensure the proper compliance of the business activities with the applicable legislation, the corporation works on certain guidelines for the different business operation in different countries. It is essential as every country has different rules and business regulations. Entry 5 Effect of Socio-cultural environment The socio-cultural factors also affect the business effectiveness and performance. The business of Hyundai is operated in the several countries worldwide and the society and culture of those countries are entirely different (Wessels, 2000). The management of the company operates its business by studying the social and cultural factors of the country effectively. Entry 6 Effect of Ethical Environment Hyundai Corp. introduced Ethics Management at the beginning of year 2004, to build the basis for survival on its own and to seek mutual benefit of all parties involved including customers and business partners etc. by preventing moral hazard of the employees and implementing transparent, responsible, and honest management. The company organized its Ethics Management Office, with the Executive Director of the Corporate Planning Personnel Management Office serving as the Chief Ethics Officer, and also established the Principles of Business Conduct, the Code of Conduct, and the Self-Review Questionnaire. The Questionnaire pops up from the initial windows screen every day during the first week of any month when the employees check in to the intranet system, to remind them of and draw their voluntary participation to the idea and pursuit of Ethics Management in practice. Special training and educational sessions on best practices of ethical management from leading corporations and institutions will be presented regularly to the staff. All the members of the company have submitted his or her own pledge of compliance to the various ethics codes, and those in violation will be subject to discipline by the Human Resources Committee following due examination by the Ethics Management Office. Entry 7 Effect of Technological Environment The management of the company is continuously involved in using world class technology in order to achieve technological advancement. The use of most modern technologies causes an increase in customer service effectiveness. Financial data The business strategies of Hyundai are to increase the opportunities through the environmental factors is effective as it is causing an increase in the number of sales units continuously. But in the last year the economic factors has affected the sales of the business as total number of units sold were 1668745 in the year 2008, which is less in comparison of the year 2007 in which it was 1700297 units (Hyundai Motor Company, 2010). The decrease in the sales was domestically due to fluctuation in the current rate as well as in commodity rate. Recommendation There are various alternative strategies, which can be adopted by the management of Hyundai in order to improve business performance such as integration strategy, growth strategy etc. The company should use the integration strategy to expand the business worldwide. It would be beneficial for the business as it would reduce the impact of political and legal factors on the business operations. The affect of the economic factors would also be less due to proper knowledge of the customer behavior, their buying pattern in an effective manner. Implementation of Strategy Hyundai could implement the integration strategy in an effective manner through its diverse workforce and business activities. The diverse workforce would be beneficial to develop the motivation techniques within the organization according to their culture and beliefs (Ryall Craig, 2003). For the effective implementation of the integration strategy the management of the company should develop a proper plan related to the various aspects of the business operations. Evaluation Control Implementation of the integration strategy is not sufficient itself for the business effectiveness. The evaluation of the business effectiveness in timely manner is essential for rapid growth of the business. Company administration should periodically review its implementation process which is necessary for its efficient applications and future results (Ryall Craig, 2003). This step makes implementation process effective.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Development Of The Human Zygote Essay -- essays research papers fc

Development of the Human Zygote Hundreds of thousands of times a year a single-celled zygote, smaller than a grain of sand, transforms into an amazingly complex network of cells, a newborn infant. Through cellular differentiation and growth, this process is completed with precision time and time again, but very rarely a mistake in the "blueprint" of growth and development does occur. Following is a description of how the pathways of this intricate web are followed and the mistakes which happen when they are not. The impressive process of differentiation changes a single-cell into a complicated system of cells as distinct as bold and bone. Although embryonic development takes approximately nine months, the greatest amount of cellular differentiation takes place during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. This period is called embryogenesis. During the first week after fertilization, which takes place in the Fallopian tube, the embryo starts to cleave once every twenty-four hours (Fig. 1). Until the eight or sixteen cell stage, the individual cells, or blastomeres, are thought to have the potential to form any part of the fetus (Leese, Conaghan, Martin, and Hardy, April 1993). As the blastomeres continue to divide, a solid ball of cells develops to form the morula (Fig. 1). The accumulation of fluid inside the morula, transforms it into a hollow sphere called a blastula, which implants itself into the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium (Fig. 1). The inner mass of the blastula will produce the embryo, while the outer layer of cells will form the trophoblast, which eventually will provide nourishment to the ovum (Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant, 1985). Figure 1:Implantation process and development during embryogenesis (Pritchard, MacDonald and Gant, 1985) During the second week of development, gastrulation, the process by which the germ layers are formed, begins to occur. The inner cell mass, now called the embryonic disc, differentiates into a thick plate of ectoderm and an underlying layer of endoderm. This cellular multiplication in the embryonic disc marks the beginning of a thickening in the midline that is called the primitive streak. Cells spread out laterally from the primiti... ...e a normal infant. When something does go wrong, the embryo or fetus will unfortunately have some type of defect. The amazing accuracy with which a single cell can become something as complex as a newborn infant is a truley incredible feat! Works Cited Baker, David A. "Danger of Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection." Contemporary OB/GYN April 1990: 52. Carlson, Bruce M. Patten's Foundations of Embryology. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1981. Cunningham, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics, Supplement no. 10. 18th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Februay/March 1991: 2,3. "Folic Acid for the Prevetion of Recurrent Neural Tube Defect." Medicine March 1993. Harrison, Ross G. Organization and Develpment of the Embryo. Yale University Press. 1969. Leese, Conaghan, Martin, and Hardy. "Early Human Embryo Metabolism." Bio Essays vol. 15, No. 4 April 1993: 259. Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics. 17th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1985: 139-142, 800. Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics, Supplement no. 13. 17th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. July/August 1987: 2. "Teratology." ACOG Technical Bulletin February 1985.